OPEN 10am-5pm Wednesday through Saturday ~ See you at the Farm!! ~

Forest Cove Alpacas


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Book a Guided Farm Event

Alpaca Enthusiast Tour

Join us for a Session of smiles, learning, and alpaca love in a serene pasture setting—an adventure you won't want to miss!
$25 - $125 /person $15 booking fee

Alpaca Trekking Tour

Alpaca Trekking offers the perfect blend of adventure, education, and serenity.
$35 - $165 /person $15 booking fee

Welcome to Forest Cove

So our Alpaca Adventure begins and soon to discover our love for these beautiful animals. Our alpaca herd has grown into a family farm, operating as a daughter/mother partnership. Forest Cove is home to Alpacas with unique personalities, colours and genetics! Our alpacas are well cared for, well fed and well maintained. We at Forest Cove strive for excellence in fleece quality, temperament & genetics with each breeding.

We believe each and every Alpaca has a purpose - whether your interest lies in family friendly quality males, luxury fibre producers, agritourism fence greeters or exceptional breeding stock with champion genetics, we raise them all. Our excitement is in moving the Alpaca Industry forward together as a community. Our breeding initiatives result in progress for the betterment of the next generation of Alpacas. Our clients soon become friends and part of the extended family herd! Our goal is to make a difference from head to toe - half a micron at a time!!

Our alpacas are dual registered both in Canada (CLAA) Canadian Llama & Alpaca Association & USA (AOA) Alpaca Owners Association.

The Dream is Worth the Work ~ Your Success is Our Success!

Breanna & Corinne

Happy Alpacas = Happy Farmers