OPEN 10am-5pm Wednesday through Saturday ~ See you at the Farm!! ~

Forest Cove Alpacas


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About Us

About Us: 

Forest Cove Alpacas is home to Huacaya alpacas featuring their unique personalities and colours! Each alpaca has its own distinctive demeanour, and all treated equally with love and affection... and treats! Onsite farm store displays the luxurious alpaca fiber in garments for all ages & needs in various natural colours and blends. Also, an array of handmade products, creative pottery, mouth-watering fudge and many other Canadian made products. Seasonal Ice Cream is offered as well with a unique blend of Kawartha Dairy's hard ice cream with endless additions creating a personalized soft-serve ice cream for each customer! Agritourism is the focus of Forest Cove where farm tours and events are offered year-round to provide education and interaction with the alpaca herd. Alpaca trekking and hand feeding the alpacas are often favourites for families. The Farm also encourages group events where school groups, birthday parties, team building experiences, weddings and so much more can be enjoyed by all! We are located on the outskirts of the Algonquin Park, 1.5 hours North West of Ottawa in the picturesque Upper Ottawa Valley where the air is fresh, the Ottawa River flows and Nature's Beauty is inspiring. See you at the Farm!


Farm Mission: 

It is our Farm mission to focus on both alpaca fibre quality and proven genetics with providing an eco-friendly way of living. Additionally, we want to provide a total farm experience. This will be accomplished through a regulated breeding program, and ultimately utilizing the fibre and manure from these Alpacas. Collaborating with local and international crafter, knitters, weavers, and artisans we strive to enhance the alpaca industry for future generations. Handmade, local and sustainable living is the hallmark of our business. 


Where it all Began!:

Forest Cove Farm started with an idea of uniting our experiences, interests, values and skills generated throughout our travels. With this, it brought a very dynamic business offering a variety of products and services. A mother daughter duo team who both shared the same passion and business vision! The business first started with opening a Country Market offering a variety of items made and grown here on the farm - creatively designed flower arrangement for all occasions, old-fashioned fudge, pottery, hand-made soap and gifts. However, we also felt compelled to share our knowledge and passion by offering sessions and educational workshops catered to each of the products we made or grew ourselves. Thus Forest Cove was created to not only sell our products, but also teach about our methods and practices. 
With this, we still felt as though we were missing a vital component in our business. As stated right in our business name "Farm", we felt the need to expand and incorporate farm animals to our business plan! Through extensive research, farm visits and reaching out to the farmers directly, we were in the search for our "perfect" animal that met our main farm goal for selecting the livestock: sustainable livestock with the ability of utilize the harvest without the slaughter of the animal.  And Alpacas were it - using the shorn fleece for garments and manure in the gardens, while still being able to give them hug at the end of the day! With a fundamental background in country living and livestock, these precious alpacas have stolen a large piece of our heart! Their distinctive look, individual personalities and companionship had us intrigued from day one! A dream had become a reality when the alpacas arrived, creating a true farm experience! Nestled in the heart of the Ottawa Valley, Forest Cove Farm opened its doors in January 2018, with 2020 being a momentous year with the arrival of 6 huacaya alpacas which were all bread and expecting Crias summer 2021.

Friday, January 17, 2025